API Links

Automate your business and optimize your workflows with our API links and plug-ins. Easily link with WordPress, WooCommerce, and other web applications to work more efficiently.


Discover our smart API links and plug-ins

Bol.com WooCommerce Link

Online sales platform

MplusKASSA WooCommerce Coupling

POS system

ACA Winstore Online WooCommerce Linkage

POS system

ACA XPRT WooCommerce Linkage

POS system

Realworks WordPress Linkage


Recruitee WordPress Linkage

ATS system

Fashion Cloud WooCommerce link

ERP system

Care4Fresh WooCommerce Link

ERP system

iONE WooCommerce Link

ERP system

tritonX WooCommerce Link

CDP system

Exact Online WooCommerce link

Business processes

Stockbase WooCommerce Link

ERP system

Mews WordPress Linkage

Hospitality sector

Smiirl WordPress Linkage

Business processes

Amazon WooCommerce Link

Online sales platform

Have a link developed


Need another automation?

Minty Media

We are an internet agency in Haarlem with a passion for design and technology. 

Standard API Links

Minty Media links your WordPress website or WooCommerce webshop with various systems such as POS systems, sales platforms, ATS systems and more. These links make automating your business easy and efficient.

In addition, we can integrate existing plug-ins into your WordPress website, such as Mailchimp, Meta, Google, Mollie and various review platforms. Find out how we can optimize your digital processes!

api links
have api link created

Have API link created

We understand better than anyone that automation can save valuable time within your company. Do you have certain wishes for automating processes within your company but is this solution not among our standard links? Then we are happy to help you find a custom solution!

To watch along on your computer, we need AnyDesk. Install the software to get faster assistance.